About us

A little bit about us and our ELB Family! 


Eager Little Beavers is an exciting new platform for all parents/caregivers who require inspiration and motivation to create easy play-based learning activities at home for their young infants and toddlers. By learning through play, children learn many skills and concepts at an earlier age and tend to utilise them efficiently as they grow older.

Hi everyone! I’m Almas, a primary trained teacher from Sydney, Australia, turned Stay-At-Home-Mum (SAHM) of two eager beavers. I love creating new learning experiences for my beavers and always looking to provide a fun learning environment at home. We began our learning through play journey when our oldest was around 6 months. I read about how play can benefit my child, and I also needed something to keep him busy throughout the day. My then 6-month-old would play with items other than his toys in the most unusual ways, making me think about how I could use these items for structured and unstructured play. That’s when Eager Little Beavers was created. By learning through play, I planned a whole heap of activities for him daily and figured that there had to be more amazing resources out there which would cater to his skillset and development. From sensory to imaginative play, I curated ELB’s lovely online store for amazing Montessori-style toys and learning resources. Browse our amazing store of fine quality pieces, trialled and tested by our two eager little beavers themselves!